
The operational programme aims at supporting sustainable mobility through development of transportation infrastructure and public passenger railway transportation.

Fulfillment of this target will contribute to the improvement of accessibility of the Slovak Republic, individual regions and their interconnectedness, and in synergy with the targets of other operational programmes, it will also contribute to a decrease of regional disparities and the development of economic activities, as well as the increase of competitiveness of SR. In this context, OP Transportation focuses primarily on development and modernization of transport infrastructure of SR and its integration in the European transport system. It will provide interconnection of main urban areas with the aim to eliminate regional disparities in less developed regions of SR by maintaining the principals of sustainable mobility. In parallel, it also presents a means to gradually eliminate unsatisfactory parameters of transport infrastructure in the regions and to answer to security demands, reliability and quality of transportation. The programme’s aim of development and modernization of road infrastructure complements the priority axis of reinforcement of regional infrastructure in Regional Operation Programme, whose objectives are to improve 2nd and 3rd class roads, which creates conditions for a synergyeffect in the development of a transportation network. Although the operational programme isn't directly intended to support the business sector, its focus will contribute to stimulation of internal regional resources, which will promote established business activities (small and medium businesses) and at the same time it will increas the regions’ attractiveness for foreign investments, which will contribute to the fulfillment of the National Reform pPogramme priorities in the business environment sector.

The executive authority of OP Transportation is the Ministry of of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic. Financial contribution of ES for this operational programme is 3 206 904 595 EUR. Operational Programme Transportation was approved by EC on 13. 09. 2007.


Operational Programme Transportation:

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