Marginalised Roma communities

Within issue of marginalized social groups, the specific issue of marginalized Roma communities (MRC) requires a special approach. Its purpose is to strengthen cooperation and to achieve more effective coordination of activities and of financial resources aimed at improvement of living conditions of the members of MRC. The support for marginalized Roma communities is focused on four priority areas: education, employment, health, living, and three related problem spheres: poverty, discrimination and gender equality. The tools aimed at achievement of these purposes are “individual projects” (demand-oriented projects) and a “complex approach to solutions of MRC problems”, which is applied in some of the operational programmes.

The goal of horizontal priority is “To increase employment and education level of members of the MRC, and to improve their living conditions”.

On the political level, the person responsible for the Horizontal priority Marginalized Roma Communities (HP MRC) is the Deputy Prime Minister for knowledge-based society, European affairs, human rights and minorities. The Office of the Slovak Government Commissioner for Roma Communities is the coordinator of HP MRC. It will establish a department of coordination of HP MRC to ensure the execution of administrative and methodical activities related to HP MRC.

You can find more information on the Office of the Slovak Government Commissioner for Roma Communities website: